About us

From the website of the Network of Biblical Storytellers International: 

We are an international organisation whose purpose is to communicate the sacred stories of the biblical tradition.

Tell and Hear Biblical Stories
We seek to bring out the storytelling and the story sharing abilities of individuals. As such, we encourage the learning, telling and hearing of biblical stories. We are committed to cultivating the learning and telling of stories by offering various levels and methods of study.

Explore the Connection between the Biblical Stories and Contemporary Life
We realise and understand that each of us comes to the story of God in a unique manner. When our story is connected appropriately with the story of God, there is revelation. As such, some will be moved to laughter, others to tears. Some listeners/tellers will take on societal and political issues, while others will engage in contemplative prayer. We do not seek to determine or manipulate how God should move an individual but rather encourage open expression and response to the story as we embrace, grapple and wrestle with the text.

Find Divine Power for Transforming Our Lives
We strive to tell the story without fear, believing that Christ calls his followers to influence both individuals and the culture in which they live. We believe that the sacred stories of the biblical tradition have the power to transform the lives of both teller and hearer.

Have Our Deepest Needs Met
We believe that the foundation and impetus for our desire to tell the biblical text begins with the gratitude for the gift of the stories of Scripture. Energized by that gratitude, and in joy for "being connected with God's story," we learn, tell and listen to the stories as a resource for our individual journey, and offer the stories to others for worship, retreats, or conferences.

Encourage Research
A goal of the Network is to encourage research on the implications of biblical storytelling for biblical scholarship.

The mission of NBS is to encourage everyone to learn and tell biblical stories.

The Network in Australia is led by an advisory council of experienced storytellers from around the country.
Annette (Victoria) (convenor, membership coordinator, treasurer)
Gillian (South Australia)
Carole (Queensland)
Philip (Victoria)
Margaret (Victoria)
Rina (Queensland)
Sarah (South Australia) (website manager)
Mark (New South Wales)

A national gathering is held annually, in a different state each year, featuring a keynote speaker, workshops for new and experienced tellers, networking and resourcing opportunities and the epic telling, a group telling of a larger portion of the Bible. Read about the 2010 gathering on the SA blog .